
Saturday, 21 June 2014

Vivo's entertaining Performance!

After morning tea, St Patrick’s school went to the hall to go and watch the Vivo group. They were from the Auckland Symphony orchestra. One lady had the Violin and the other lady had the Accordion. This man had the Double Bass. Their first song was a romantic song. The song was nice and calm. Then these pirates came out of nowhere and scared most of the kids.

They sang a song with the electrical guitar and a harmonica. It was good but it wasn’t as good as the Vivo’s performance. The next song that the Vivo sang was a Tango song. One of ladies asked us where Tango comes from and she told us it comes from Argentina. In that song, there were some fast notes and there were slow notes.

After that, the pirates came out again and they once more scared some kids.. They sang a song about picking your nose. People were thinking ‘Yuck, yuck!’. After the pirate’s song, Vivo sang a Gypsy song. Also in that song, there were fast notes and slow notes. Then they appeared again and sang another song.

That was the best song that I think they did today. After they finished their song, everyone applauded for the pirates. The Vivo group sang the Swan. The song was a nice classical song. The Accordion was playing as the water and the Double bass was playing as the swan.

Then that song closed the whole performance. I thought that was a wonderful performance. I hope the next time they come it will be even better.

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